Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cluck Clucks, Hee Haws and Baaas

Behind the house is an olive grove that is home to many chickens, a donkey and goat. They actually belong to Makis' older brother Spiros and his wife, Katina. I am very excited to announce that the goat has had babies! A while back, they took the goat (a female) to a breeding farm to mingle with the male goats and hopefully find a mating partner. Turns out she was successful! About two weeks ago, she gave birth to two baby goats in the shed where she, the donkey and all the chickens sleep together. Katina actually played midwife and assisted the goat with the birth! How gross cool is that?

We met the baby goats when they were only a day old and were surprised at how big and mobile they already were. They were baa-ing and taking their first steps. Mama goat was calm and even let us pet them and photograph them. She must be so proud! 

In other news, I had my first opportunity to do some "olive grove" work. The winter is slowly coming to an end and so is the olive season. Because Makis and I were in Vancouver, we missed all the picking and pressing of the olives. Since all of the olives have now fallen and been collected, it was time to pick up the nets, fold them and tuck them away until the next olive season, which is every two years.

I feel bad that we missed out on all the action, not because I wanted to have the experience, but simply because we were not here to help his family. I don't think they're happy about it either. At least we were here to help with the last bit of tedious work.

Eleni and I folding up the nets.

Hard at work...

Makis collecting our net roll-ups

The olive grove where all the action happens

After we rolled up all the nets, Katina brought over the donkey to carry all the last bags of collected olives back to the house. Makis mom, Maria, often rides the donkey to and from the land where she grows various crops: lettuce, onions, garlic, name it. Since we were all together and had the camera, Makis thought this would be a perfect opportunity for ME to try riding the donkey!

Poor Makis!    
Poor donkey!

 Donkey loves Makis!
 So now we say goodbye to all the olives until 2012. I'm fairly certain we will have to make up for our absence and do it ourselves next time. Anyone want to come and help?

Oh and in case anyone was wondering why they spawned the goat in the first place....

One word: Easter!

Don't worry, I'll be there in protest!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all the pictures! I cannot believe you got on that donkey! Ha, wait, yes, I can totally believe you got on that donkey. The baby goats are adorable. I would def avoid getting too attached.
